
I am getting my hair done today. I got waxed last night. Eyebrows. Upper lip. Chin.


I was severely overdue for the first three, and the fourth one was the best decision that I have ever made in my life. I won't go into detail about it here, even though I really want to. 

Self-care. People tell me that I need to work on this. Like, hard core. My reaction is, "Do I, though?" I read sometimes. I write sometimes. I work out sometimes. I just got weight loss surgery, so I am eating less and eating more healthily. I guess the key word here is sometimes. I am not consistent. I am too tired or depressed or pissed off or angsty to be consistent, but these are the moments when I so desperately need to do it. Case in point. I started being more intentional about it last week, and I realized just how much I had been neglecting myself. 

You mean, I can treat myself EVERY DAY?

It doesn't always have to be big, like getting everything waxed or getting my hair transformed, but yes. I can read, write, listen to music, and/or go to the gym every day. I don't just deserve to. I need to. What a blessing! Play. Enjoyment. Creativity. It all makes you happier and more productive anyways. 

