No One Gets to Tell You Who You Are

I had an assistant manager once say to someone in front of me, "Some people are worthless wastes of space who don't deserve to have a job." I will never forget it, 1). because he made it clear the whole time I worked there that he felt that way about me, and 2). because the falsehood of that statement is so blatant, I can't even handle it.

What person gets to decide that another human being is worthless? I know what it's like to be SO irritated by another person that I want to think that they are worthless or that they are going to go hell or that they deserve to watch their ice cream fall off their cone and onto the dirty floor. I get it. I'm not perfect, but if I'm allowed to be imperfect, then everybody else is, as well. Sometimes I legitimately wonder just how wrong I've ever been about anything and not known it. Who have I totally screwed over or hurt, and did I even notice, or care?

I didn't respond when that Assistant Manager said what he said, but I immediately knew that he was wrong. God promises me that I have inherent worth. We all do, simply because we exist. One's ability to do a specific job does not determine their worth. 
I confided in a friend once about the fact that I felt worthless because I couldn't do something. Her response was, "Are people with intellectual or physical disabilities, who can't do everything for themselves, worthless?" She asked me that because I have worked very closely for several years with that particular population. Her question hit me right in the gut. She knew that it would. Point made.

Comment below if someone has ever tried to tell you who you are. What did you say in response?

