I will confess that sometimes I don't feel like much of a boss. Today was one of those days.
I woke up and realized that I didn't get paid by one of my jobs as much as I thought I would get paid. I had to put a book down because it started talking about how screwed my (millennial) age group is in some ways. I'm tired of hearing it. I put on a brand new outfit that I thought would look fabulous, glanced in a mirror, and realized that it's not as fabulous as I originally thought it would be. That's when I noticed my 80 pounds of extra weight.
Needless to say, my attitude for today did not start out on the right foot. When I got in the car to start driving, I did what I often do when I'm in a mood: I put on some encouraging music. One of my songs lately has been, "Just Like Fire," by Pink. Pink started out as an angsty teenager who struggled to find her place in the world. I used to listen to her song, "Don't Let Me Get Me," during my own angsty moments. Some of the lyrics include:
"I'm my own worst enemy."
"Everyday, I fight a war against the mirror. I can't take the person starin' back at me."
"I wanna be somebody else."
"L.A. told me, 'You'll be a pop star. All you have to change is everything you are.'"
"Tired of being compared to damn Britney Spears. She's so pretty, that just ain't me."
Pink recorded that when she was about 22. Now she has her own daughter, and her speech at the 2017 VMAs about teaching her daughter to show the world her own beauty made headlines. She's a role model, herself, for doing just that. I love her song, "Just Like Fire," because it empowers me. She sings, "We came here to run it...no one can be just like me anyways."
Pink has come a long way, and so have I. Being a girl boss or a bad ass babe babe or whatever it ia isn't about perfection. It's not about having the perfect past, limiting the tears, or always being your best. At the end of the day, we are all human beings with limits. The bosses, however, are the ones who take the following quote that I found on Pinterest and turn it into a personal mantra, "Take ten minutes to be a sad bitch. Then remember you a bad bitch." We all fall. We all have things to learn on the ground. Then we get back up.
I have come to realize that the person that I am during my low moments is the same person that I am during my high moments. The only difference is my mindset. Feelings are fleeting.
What were your favorite angsty insecure songs when you were growing up? Do share in the comments below!
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